He brought in the cultural revolution. Now his team revolves around his slick plays.
He played the fiddle while he watched Rome burn. Now he plays ball while watching his opponent's careers.
His head rolled down the court after the french peasants took his palace. Now he rolls down the court while the peasants cheer.
From ZugZug to Nero, from Socrates to Joan of Arc, from Ghandi to Emma Watson, everyone plays basketball.
Layups. Passes. Dunkariddy-doos. Arc swipes. Left-side allyoops. Winston double-ups. The possibilies are endless.
Blood. Everywhere. Your head pulses with pure, raw energy. The ball is too intense, and its only halftime. You need a breather, but there is no respite from the endless tides of raw, unfiltered hype pouring down from the sky.